During the Martial Law years a large number of people were arrested and detained
without cause. Those perceived to be against Pres. Marcos were immediately arrested
and incarcerated in prisons specially prepared for his political enemies
who he branded as either subversives  or leftists.
Amnesty International reported that from 1972 to 1981, about 70,000 Filipinos
were illegally arrested and detained.

1985 SWEDEN to MANILA Appeal Card
For the release of a factory worker who at the same time was a union leader
at a textile factory owned by one of his cronies.
The arrest and eventual death of Fr. Romano Favali was also attributed to Pres. Marcos
and his military henchmen. The killer was eventually captured and sentenced to a long prison term
after Pres. Marcos was deposed from power.

1985 IRELAND to MANILA Appeal Card.
Addressed to Mr. Juan Ponce-Enrile, Minister of Defense.
Mr. Enrile would later be one of the main principals in the People Power Revolt of 1986.
Pres. Marcos was subjected to constant attacks
by international cause oriented groups like Amnesty International. An example would be a 1982 letter
seeking the release of political prisoners
and for location of documented missing persons.

In response, Pres. Marcos went on national television
accusing this group of being leftists
and being funded by his enemies.

Verso folded to show purple oval "PRESIDENT" 
receiving mark of November 16, 1982.